
Marriage Mentee Request

Mentoring Purpose and Expectations


The purpose of the Marriage Mentoring Ministry is to help couples mature in their individual walks with God and grow in their oneness with each other.  Marriage Mentors at RMC are not trained counselors but have experienced many blessings and challenges through their years of marriage.  They provide personalized support and encouragement to help another couple understand God’s design for marriage and how that design can be lived out in daily life.


To experience the benefits of the RMC Marriage Mentoring Ministry, mentees will be expected to follow certain guidelines.  While being mentored, the mentees agree:

  • To meet with the mentors two times per month.
  • To be open and honest during meetings.
  • To be willing to implement changes as guided by Scripture and the mentors.
  • To complete the mentoring material assigned between meetings.
  • To commit to regular devotional time in God’s Word and prayer between meetings.
  • To commit to the first three months of meetings.  (The material can normally be completed in   10-12 months.)  At the three month point, the mentors and mentees will review and discuss progress.  If the mentoring relationship is satisfactory to both couples, the process will continue.

Getting Started

If you would like to be mentored by another couple, and both spouses are in agreement in seeking a mentor, please provide your information below.  

Husband's Information

*Address Line 1
Address Line 2
*Zip/Postal Code
*Date of Birth

Wife's Information

*First Name
*Last Name
*Phone Number
*Date of Birth

Couple Information

*Marriage Date:
Names/Ages of Children
*Have either spouse been previously married?
If either spouse has been previously married, please provide a little background information (who remarried, how long ago, blended family info).
*How long have you attended RMC?